Motel, Glimpse available via Amazon's Video On Demand
Our movie Motel, Glimpse is now available to watch by way of Amazon's video on demand service. Click here to instant watch Motel, Glimpse right now!
Of course you may still purchase the Special Edition DVD from the Motel, Glimpse website by clicking here. The Special Edition DVD comes with numerous bonus features, including a 30-minute outtake reel, the USC student short upon which Motel, Glimpse was based, and the inaugural episode of Justin Stone's Rookie Night radio theater.
You never know.
Of course you may still purchase the Special Edition DVD from the Motel, Glimpse website by clicking here. The Special Edition DVD comes with numerous bonus features, including a 30-minute outtake reel, the USC student short upon which Motel, Glimpse was based, and the inaugural episode of Justin Stone's Rookie Night radio theater.
You never know.
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